My artistic work builts around the process of creating a space from and for imagination and fantasy. By following an initial feeling or impulse, something still undefined and vague is materialized and given form. This transformation is repeated in reverse: as the created medium is in turn the starting point for feelings and impressions, it allows us to connect with our own imagination and creativity.

In my current work, I therefore try to create moments where the initial idea is specific enough to create a certain mood, but at the same time remains changeable through the viewer’s own perception, who thus completes the image and the artistic process.

2017 – 2023          Diploma at HfBK Dresden
2021/22                   Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija
2019 /20                  Universitat Politècnica de València

Georg Ruppelt currently works and lives in changing locations, such as Nantes, Valencia and Dresden. Commissions are open.

Selected Exhibitions

2024 Schlussfolgerung aus Präsenz, Hanse 3, Dresden

2024 Rock & Paper II, AceArt Gallery, Gibraltar

2024 Fragments of my Youth, Alte Fabrik, Dresden

2023 Connection Lost, Alte Fabrik, Dresden

2023 Rock & Paper, AceArt Gallery, Gibraltar

2023 Diplomausstellung, HfBK Dresden

2023 KunstlandStrich, Hoyerswerda

2023 Shifts of Nature, Galerie Kellermann, Düsseldorf

2023 Grau, Senatssaal, HfBK Dresden

2023 Wish you were here II, Dalek Art Gallery, Antwerpen

2022 Wish you were here, Dalek Art Gallery, Antwerpen

2021 As Far As I Can Remember, Senatssaal, HfBK Dresden

2021 KunstlandStrich, Hoyerswerda

2019 Über Das Jucken, Alte Feuerwache Loschwitz, Dresden

2019 Sweet Spot° Gallery, Hole of Fame e.V, Dresden